Agile Technology

Agile Technology

Agile Technology was created as a technology development based arm of Mugen Forge to address the technology needs of the forge, including

  • Network design and development
  • Security Infrastructure
  • Network and Data encapsulation
  • Software and Hardware development, design, and implementation.

The heart of Mugen Forge has always been focused on independent study, experimentation, and personal development. Agile Technology continues that tradition by

  • Identifying opprotunities in every day problems
  • Any process, any design should be routnely re-examined. Questions should be asked? Is this the best way to do this? Is this the best way to use this space? Is this the least number of steps this could take? Greater experience gives greater insight. New tools create new opprotunities.

  • Exploring creative and innovative solutions
  • Is there another way of looking at this problem? Could a better solution to this problem have already been created that could be modified to fit this situation?

  • Employing Project Management methodologies to breakdown
  • Any big problem can and should be broken down into smaller eaiser to manage, or possibly, or already solved problems.

  • Development and Implementation of a variety tools based on industry standard technologies and a modular design approach
    • Open Source
      • *nix based Operating Systems : FreeBSD and Linux
      • C++, C, Java, Java Script, Python, Perl, PHP, SQL, HTML, and CSS
    • Modular Design
    • Design and build small tools that do one thing very well, then combine them to do something much larger efficiently

    • Virtualization
  • November 26, 2022 : Agile Technology Launches a new website
Agile Technolgy